Friday 28 April 2017

Puding Roti

3 cawan susu segar
2 biji telur
4 sudu besar gula
2 sudu besar mentega
Panaskan hingga sebati

6-8 keping roti, carik-carikkan dan letak dalam loyang panjang
Tuang yang dipanaskan tadi
Tabur kismis
Bakar dalam oven 45 minit, 200'C, letak air di sekeliling

1 tin susu cair
3/4 cawan air
2 sudu besar gula
2 sudu besar tepung kastard
Masak hingga pekat

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Let's start!


Such a very long time not update anything here. So many internal conflicts. So many obstacles for updating this blog. Life is full of ups and downs. Such is life, isn't it? Like they said, this life is a place for test after test. Sadness is a test, happiness is also a test. So with sorrow and tears. I experienced tears of missing. It's hurtful ouch, till I feel like I can't move on. But, it's life. Time is tick tocking, every second of it cannot be undo. Sounds like my life is soo gloomy, ya? But nope! It also has a shining and bright days..

So, let's start it!
Let this be the catalyst for me to write after this. Hup! 

P/s : and my English become errrr...

Tuesday 9 February 2016

#13 Certain situations require certain strengths. Often you will have to exercise self control. Be it when the swallowing of rage is required or even when upholding patience. When you find yourself in the midst of such circumstances, it will be difficult. It will be a struggle. Sometimes you may even feel a sense of brokenness within you. Because really your heart breaks when someone hurts you or angers you, and you have to control your anger and exert yourself in patience. Hence when you fight the urge to retaliate, you are breaking your Nafs too. And that's something which needs breaking. By overcoming the urge to retaliate, you will gain a sense of control over yourself, and this is extremely important for your own spiritual growth.

Monday 8 February 2016


#11 Don't let your circumstance become such that despite Allah giving you numerous blessings, you forget to acknowledge Him - as a result of which He snatches your blessings away. Remember, if you show Him gratitude and humility, then He will only increase you in favour and what better blessing can there be than that?

#12 In many aspects of life you will undergo some or many forms of tribulation. Although you may perceive these circumstances to be unfortunate, you must realise that perhaps in them lies your salvation. It may not seem or even feel good, but really it is the best thing for you. And you may not see it today, but you will see it one day. Be hopeful, be patient for times of trials do pass.

Sunday 7 February 2016


#10 Never underestimate the status of an individual, for you do not perceive what Allah perceives. The goodness which Allah sees in them may not manifest before your eyes, but that doesn't give you the right to assume that they don't have any good within them. Someone may appear to be "bad" yet Allah may enable them to repent and die a good death. Whereas another may appear to be "good" yet Allah will prevent them from having a good death. Don't limit good or even bad to the boundaries of your mind. Both qualities are vast and we aren't always capable of comprehending their existence in other individuals.

Saturday 6 February 2016


#9 Being young and youthful means having the strength, the desire, and the selfish nature to do as you wish. However when you turn your strength and youth towards the obedience of Allah, and sacrifice the fulfillment of selfish desires, you will achieve His love and He will grant you honour. He will make you amongst those who are granted shade beneath His throne, on that day when there will be no shade besides His. And what a great honour that will be. So is that not worth sacrificing youthful desires for?