Sunday 31 January 2016


#3 Often our concerns lie in many things. Be it our education, or our careers, our marriages or our children. 

We often preoccupy ourselves with these matters, we plan it in our heads, we hope for it in our hearts, but the reality is that we just don't know what will happen. We don't even know if tomorrow will come. And for some this is the greatest fear of all. We'll end up questioning, what's the point of trying for this, or attempting that, what's the point of anything? 

But if that was to be our one and only mentality then we wouldn't achieve anything. 

Hoping, even dreaming isn't bad, it's completely fine, but our hopes and dreams should be based around pleasing Allah. We should be focusing on Him. We shouldn't allow our preoccupations to make us unmindful of Him because that's where our downfall usually lies. We disregard Him and then we see things going wrong. So instead let's try to focus only on Him. Because when we do, that's when we'll see things falling in to the palms of our hands at ease.

Saturday 30 January 2016


#2 In any aspect of life, when you lack direction and feel constriction emerge within yourself, let it be known to you that there is one remedy which brings the storm of the mind to a halt, and the whirlwind of the heart to a standstill. And that is none other than the remembrance of Allah. For every ailment there is a remedy. And the remedy for the ailing heart is the remembrance of Allah. 

As He Himself states in the Noble Quran: Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. 

          الا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب

Friday 29 January 2016


#1 The day has yet again passed. How quickly we have moved from one Fajr, with another Fajr fast approaching in a number of hours.

Time is undoubtedly slipping through our fingers. And little do we value those around us. So let us remember that today is a day which will never return. The only day it will return is on judgement day when we recall our actions of this day. So strive to better your actions and make peace with those around you, for in doing so you will find solace. Inshaa Allah. 


Thursday 28 January 2016


Alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah.

Everything happens in this world has a reason behind it. Let's not worry too much, not overthinking like what hanan ever said to me, just learn. If we do not learn, it will happen again and again until the lesson is noted and reminded. Every seconds, every minutes, every hours, in this wordly life, worth it to try, and think positive. Let it flow. Enjoy the flow. But bear in mind, the flow is not always smooth. This dunya is full of obstacles, full of test, true rest is only can be found in jannah. May we be blessed with jannah, ameen. 

If we don't like people talk about us behind us, don't talk about them behind them. If people still talk about us behind, ignore them. Focus on our goals, our target. Continue be kind, continue be friendly, continue with the 'sifat-sifat mahmudah'. Free our heart from hatred, free our heart from bad jealousy. Pity our heart if these 'sifat' is in us. Everyday try and try and try to purify our intention. InshaAllah calmness is everywhere. :) :)

Monday 25 January 2016

OF 2016

A new blog. New hope. New targets. Improved plan.

The intention to start blogging again was at the end year of 2015, with a new hope and new plan for me. One of the target of this new blog is to improve my English. I'll post in English and Malay but I'll try to post mostly in English. Correct my English if it is wrong, I'm appreciate it. I'll update this blog silently. Hehe.

I need to hardly push myself for a better me. Chayyok!

Pray for me, yeah?? Thank you. :)