Monday 1 February 2016


#4 Allah advises us many a time in the Quran. One of the most profound pieces of advice found in the Quran, is that in which Allah says "And seek assistance through patience and prayer." 

This is simply one of the most comprehensive pieces of advice available. Allah counsels so many individuals through this verse.  

Allah is telling us that we must be patient, and He begins with patience because we need it in every aspect of life. Thereafter Allah mentions salah because that too will help you in removing your distress. Some Mufassireen say that here Salah refers to Salatul Haajat (The prayer of needs.) And the Patience mentioned here refers to fasting. 

This verse was initially in reference to the Jews of Banu Israeel. Allah was telling them that they must fast, to abstain from the world. And that they must pray, to remove this pride and love for leadership from their hearts. 

And in this is a lesson for us too. Patience and prayer. Two qualities which we must implement within our lives. Through them we will acquire abstinence, humility and most importantly the love of Allah.

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